Hello everyone,
Rescuing LivesSo this past week we've been doing several different things. We were able to wrap things up at an orphanage that we've been working with for a week. At the orphanage we were able to give gifts to the girls and boys through someone who generously donated $100 to Cori. We also went to an Indian wedding were we blessed the couple with a song, went to a slum church to share and minister to the people. We also went to a village out in the countryside where we spoke at a youth meeting and ministered to widows.

street childrenStreet Children: Street children by definition are children who live on the streets without any adult care or supervision. They usually live and sleep on the streets because they do not have a home. They have only intermittent contact with parents or family (usually mother or sisters). They live most of the time with other street children in the city streets, or are on the move.

Slum Children: Slum is a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions. Children in slum clusters live without a sense of security and stability. As their homes are mostly illegal they may face demolition by municipal authorities at any time. Families are then rehabilitated in remote places, severing them from social, economic and educational lifelines, so essential to their well being.

Orphans/ abandoned children: A child becomes an orphan if he or she does not have any parents. This could happen because of death or disappearance, abandonment or desertion, separation or loss of both parents. A foreign-born child is also an orphan if his or her sole or surviving parent is not able to take proper care of the child and has, in writing, irrevocably released the child for emigration and adoption.

Indian Sunset

It is illegal to take Indian currency (rupees) out of India.

More than a million Indians are millionaires, yet most Indians live on less than two dollars a day. An estimated 35% of India’s population lives below the poverty line.

To avoid polluting the elements (fire, earth, water, air), followers of Zoroastrianism in India don’t bury their dead, but instead leave bodies in buildings called “Towers of Silence” for the vultures to pick clean. After the bones dry, they are swept into a central well.

Even Camels Bow Down PhotoOn a recent trip to India, as I was riding in an auto and taking in the vast scenery, I was thinking about how busy life seems in the city life of India.  People are hurrying everywhere they go, on bicycles, motorcycles, in autos, and walking.  It seemed everywhere I looked; people were hurrying to get to their destination.  I knew that we also needed to get to where we needed to be, although I kept seeing glances of places that I would have liked to have slowed down for a bit and enjoyed.  Like the architect of a building, the rich colors of fabric being sold in the market, or fruit stands with fruit that we don’t see where I live.

Make A Difference!

Rescuing Lives
P.O. Box 2976
Rogers, Arkansas 72757


Jaipaul Papabathini
